Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday |
30 |
31 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 Breakfast: Waffles and milk Lunch: Mac & Cheese |
10 Breakfast: Oatmeal and apple slices Lunch: Turkey and Cheese Sandwiches |
13 Breakfast: Boiled eggs with an English muffin Lunch: Vegetables, crackers & dip; cucumbers, carrots, broccoli and grape tomatoes |
14 Breakfast: Banana muffins and apple juice Lunch: Pasta & meat balls |
15 Breakfast: Toast w/ jam & apples Lunch: Chicken Ranch wrap & Juice (Tortilla wraps) |
16 Breakfast: Yogurt w/ granola & seeds Lunch: Chicken alfredo |
17 Breakfast: Pancakes w/ syrup, strawberries & milk Lunch: Mac & cheese |
20 Breakfast: Carrot sticks, cheese w/ crackers & milk Lunch: Mini English pizzas w/ juice |
21 Breakfast: Chocolate zucchini muffins w/ milk Lunch: Chicken noodle soup, crackers & juice |
22 Breakfast: Seeds & blues smoothie w/ granola bar Lunch: Vegetables, crackers & dip; broccoli, baby carrots and cauliflower |
23 Breakfast: Cereal w/ milk and bananas Lunch: Pasta and meatballs |
24 Breakfast: Oatmeal and apple slices Lunch: Chicken ranch wrap & juice (tortilla wraps) |
27 Breakfast: Boiled eggs w/ English muffin Lunch: Mac & Cheese |
28 Breakfast: Cereal w/ milk & strawberries Lunch: Vegetables, crackers & dip; cucumbers, carrots, broccoli, and grape tomatoes |
29 Breakfast: Chocolate zucchini w/ milk Lunch: Pasta & meatballs |
30 Breakfast: NO SCHOOL Lunch: Chicken alfredo |
1 Breakfast: Bagels with Cream Cheese Lunch: Macaroni Goulash |