Instructional Programming
Language development is central to students’ intellectual, social, and emotional growth,
and must be seen as a key element of the curriculum. When students learn to use language in the elementary grades, they do more than master the basic skills. They learn to value the power of language and to use it responsibly. They learn to express feelings and opinions and, as they mature, to support their opinions with sound arguments and research. Language is the basis for thinking, communicating, and learning. Students need language skills in order to comprehend ideas and information, to interact socially, to inquire into areas of interest and study, and to express themselves clearly and demonstrate their learning. Learning to communicate with clarity and precision, orally, in writing, and through a
variety of media, will help students to thrive in the world beyond school.
Balanced Literacy
A Balanced Literacy approach recognizes that students need to use a variety of strategies to become proficient readers and writers. It encourages the development of skills in reading, writing, speaking and listening in particular, for all students. A Balanced literacy program strikes a balance between both whole language and phonics. The strongest elements of each are incorporated into a literacy program that aims to guide students toward proficient and lifelong reading. Teaching approaches should be informed by the findings of current research into best practices in literacy instruction. Instruction should include a balance of direct, explicit instruction; teacher modelling; shared and guided instruction; and opportunities for students to rehearse, practise, and apply skills and strategies and make choices. The literacy block provides time for direct instruction, guided instruction, independent learning, and student practice, and includes a range of whole-class, small-group, and individual activities. To learn more about the Language Arts Curriculum in Ontario please visit:
Math Program
Our goal over the year is to use higher-level thinking questions to guide our instruction and challenge our students. Every student is engaged in meaningful and purposeful mathematical tasks. We are proud that our students receive Teacher-Directed Math Instruction and are then given independent practice time (choices- rotations) to work on Math concepts independently. During the time that self-directed rotations are happening, the classroom teacher provides focused instruction to individual and small groups.
Teacher-Directed Math Instruction-Focused instruction to small groups- The teacher provides the students direct, explicit instruction on the Math standards. At this time students will use a variety of tools and strategies to gain a strong conceptual understanding of abstract mathematical concepts.
Examples of tools include manipulatives such as cubes, pattern blocks, number lines, and five- and ten-frames. Examples of strategies include using: manipulatives (objects & tools); tally marks; a ten frame; mental math; a number line; drawing pictures and diagrams; write a number sentence; make a chart, table, or graph; and counting on. Teachers may also choose to individual conferring or assessing during this time.
The Wikwemikong Board of Education recognizes the long-term benefits of integrating Math to support independent learning, integration into language arts, and opportunities for choice. The Wikwemikong Math structure supports all levels of learning (differentiated learning) while fostering independence. Finally, this structure also allows for more one-on-one support in the classroom while providing students with the opportunity to learn through hands-on and cooperative learning.
Science & Social Studies
Utilizing Anishinaabe knowledge and traditional ways of knowing. Students will explore the Ontario Science and Social Studies through a community and Anishinaabek specific lens. Anishinaabek knowledge has developed from understanding and documenting the processes in nature. An iteration of practices over time has led to products and processes that are based on sound scientific principles. To view the Ontario Science and Social Studies curriculum please visit: